Feeding & Diet...
Below are our articles on the subject of Feeding & Diet. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Automatic Fish Feeders
How to choose and set up suitable automatic fish feeders to supply your fish with food at the times that suit them best, or to look after them whilst you're on holiday....

Caring for Carnivorous Fish
How to feed, exercise and care for your carnivorous fish to keep them happy and in optimum health....

Feeding Krill to Your Tropical Fish
A guide to using krill as a food for your tropical freshwater and marine fish. The nutritional value of krill, using krill to enhance colours and feeding krill as a…...

Flake Fish Food
A guide to supporting your fish on a diet of flake food. Why flake food is useful, how to choose the right product, and how to deal with eating problems....

Food Quantities
How to approach feeding your fish. Getting the qantity of food right, providing for fish needs, restricting fish growth, and the hazards of overfeeding....

Freeze and Dried Food
A guide to feeding frozen and dried foods to your tropical fish. A look at the different kinds of dried and frozen foods available and the nutrition they provide....

Hand Feeding Your Fish
How to approach hand feeding your fish, how to build up trust, how to use hand feeding techniques to help sick fish recover, and what hand feeding can add to your…...

Making Your Own Fish Food
A guide to preparing your own fish food. How to understand your fish's nutritional needs and tailor food to suit their individual preferences, taking account of health…...

Tropical Fish With Eating Problems
Eating problems can pose a serious threat to your fishes' health but knowing what to look out for means you can take simple steps to help them on the road to recovery....

Vegetable Diets
A guide to providing a suitable vegetarian diet which can cater to all your fish's needs, including advice on both commercial and home made options....